东吴学术大讲堂 —— 彭小松教授
发布者:殳妮 发布时间:2021-05-12 浏览次数:150
东吴学术大讲堂 —— 彭小松教授
报告题目:The Impact of Schedule Regularity on Shift Worker Productivity: An Empirical Investigation
报告时间:2021年5月13日 10:00 – 11:00
报告地点:腾讯会议(会议ID: 714 239 534)
This study investigates the impact of work schedule regularity on cashier productivity in grocery retailing. Existing studies largely explore store-level scheduling related to capacity decisions without considering individual workers’ schedules. Lawmakers have begun to introduce legislations aimed at improving work schedule regularity for shift workers in the retail and other industries. While schedule regularity is expected to increase shift workers’ well-being, business owners believe it could reduce overall operational efficiency due to less flexibility. We argue that this is a misconception. Increasing schedule regularity for shift workers can actually increase their productivity, leading to improved operational efficiency and thus benefiting both shift workers and business owners.
We estimate an econometrics model to examine the hypotheses using transaction level scanner data including over 1.2 million transactions from a local retailer. Work schedule regularity is operationalized via two metrics: (1) work hour of the day regularity measuring whether a shift worker is consistently scheduled to work in the same hours of the day, and (2) work day of the week regularity measuring whether a shift worker is consistently scheduled to work on the same day of the week. We find work hour of the day regularity and work day of the week regularity increase cashier productivity by 1% and 1.6%, respectively. Furthermore, we find that the positive impact of schedule regularity on productivity is stronger for less experienced cashiers. Our findings provide empirical evidence that business owners may improve both the well-being and the operational efficiency of shift workers by giving them more regular work schedules.
彭小松(Xiaosong (David) Peng),美国Lehigh大学教授,现任 Lehigh大学威尼斯欢乐娱人城v3676决策与技术分析系主任;在国际顶级期刊Journal of Operations Management (JOM), Production and Operations Management (POM), Decision Sciences Journal (DSJ), Journal of Supply Chain Management(JSCM)等发表20余篇学术论文,并担任JOM、DSJ、JSCM等期刊的副主编和特刊主编,POM期刊的高级编辑。