【论著】科研成果通报:博士生黄承辰在重要期刊ECR发表研究成果|| PhD Student Huang’s Pub. on ECR
发布者:沙晓燕 发布时间:2022-09-09 浏览次数:10
2022年5月,我院博士研究生黄承辰与其导师陈冬宇教授,以及刘德教授(明尼苏达大学),赖福军教授合作的研究论文“The role of expertise in herding behaviors: evidence from a crowdfunding market”被《Electronic Commerce Research》(ECR)接收并在线发表。ECR是信息管理与信息系统方向重要期刊,ABS列表的2星期刊, 其2020年影响因子为3.747。
In May 2022, our Ph.D. student Chengchen Huang’s research paper entitled “The role of expertise in herding behaviors: Evidence from a crowdfunding market”, is online published by Electronic Commerce Research (ECR). This is joint work by her advisor Prof. Dongyu Chen, Prof. De Liu (University of Minnesota), and Prof. Fujun Lai. ECR is an ABS-2 ranked journal with an impact factor of 3.747 in 2020.
This study provides a preliminary examination of the role that expertise plays in the debt-based crowdfunding market. Based on signaling theory and heuristic-systematic information processing theory, this paper demonstrates how seasoned investors and unseasoned investors interact with each other. It suggests that crowd wisdom should be extracted from experts rather than from crowds and points out a possible direction to optimizing the crowdfunding market.
Chengchen Huang is a PhD student at Business School, Soochow University. She received a Master of Finance degree from the University of California, San Diego. Her research interests include fintech models such as online lending, internet crowdfunding, and their economic impact.