东吴学术大讲堂-Subodha Kumar
发布者:系统管理员 发布时间:2018-06-27 浏览次数:83
【讲座题目】:Business Analytics Issues in Multi-Channel Retailing
【时间】:7月4日(周三) 9:00
【报告人】:Subodha Kumar
【报告摘要】:Customers often evaluate products at brick-and-mortar stores to identify their “best fit” product but buy it for a lower price at a competing online retailer. We begin with analyzing this free-riding behavior by customers (referred to as “showrooming”) and show that this is detrimental to the profits of the brick-and-mortar stores. Next, we examine price matching as a short-term strategy to counter showrooming. Since customers purchase from the store at lower than store posted price when they ask for price-matching, one would expect the price matching strategy to be less effective as the fraction of customers who seek the matching increases. However, our results show that with an increase in the fraction of customers who seek price matching, the store’s profits initially decrease and then increase. We then study exclusivity of product assortments as a long-term strategy to counter showrooming. This strategy can be implemented in two different ways. One, by arranging for exclusivity of known brands (e.g. Macy’s has such an arrangement with Tommy Hilfiger), or, two, through creation of store brands at the brick-and-mortar store (T.J.Maxx uses a large number of store brands). Our analysis suggests that implementing exclusivity through store brands is better than exclusivity through known brands when the product category has few digital attributes.
Dr. Subodha Kumar is the Paul R. Anderson Distinguished Chair Professor of Supply Chain, Marketing, Information Systems, and Statistical Science at Temple University’s Fox School of Business. Prof. Kumar also serves as Director of the Fox School’s Center for Data Analytics.
Prof. Kumar arrived at Fox after holding the Carol and G. David Van Houten Professorship at Texas A&M University’s Mays Business School. He has held appointment at the University of Washington. He also holds a Changjiang Scholars Chair Professorship at the Dongbei University of Finance and Economics in China and a Visiting Professorship at the Indian School of Business in Hyderabad, India. In addition, he is an Associate Member of the Graduate Faculty at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
His research interests include Healthcare Analytics, Social Media Analytics, Web Analytics, Supply Chain Analytics, Cybersecurity, Software Management, Data Quality and Data Mining, Sequencing and Scheduling.