

发布者:系统管理员   发布时间:2016-08-18   浏览次数:37

Title: Auction Models for B2B E-commerce Logistics

Abstract: The B2B e-commerce logistics problem (ELP) generally involves integrating B2B e-commerce and logistics trading, setting logistics service prices, determining inventory and transportation decisions, as well as utilizing common protocols and shared logistics assets to improve profitability and market efficiency. In the ELP, the e-commerce platform (like Alibaba) is the shipper generating a large number of online orders between product sellers and buyers, and third-party logistics (3PL) providers are carriers that can deliver these online orders. A big challenge faced by the shipper is how to get the large number of online orders delivered quickly, safely and cheaply. This talk will introduce several auction models for the ELP by taking into account multi-attribute values and transaction costs. This talk will propose two kinds of auction mechanisms, Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) auction and primal-dual Vickrey (PDV) auction. The strategic behavior of a self-interested shipper will be further discussed.


徐素秀,博士毕业于香港大学工业及制造系统工程系,现为暨南大学教授,美国INFORMS会员,美国IISE会员。徐博士曾担任香港大学工业及制造系统工程系博士后兼荣誉助理教授(Honorary Assistant Professor)。研究方向主要包括:拍卖与机制设计,运营管理、及智能物流服务网络优化。徐博士联合主持及参与了一系列国家及跨国企业项目,包括:香港RGC GRF项目、P&G SNIC 项目、国家自然科学基金面上与青年项目。近三年,徐博士以第一作者或第二通讯作者在相关领域发表了十余篇A+/A类国际期刊论文,其中6篇发表在管理科学或物流领域A+类国际期刊,如Transportation Science, Transportation Research Part B等。自2013年起,论文总被引近百次。

徐博士担任了多个A+ / A类国际期刊的特约审稿人,包括Operations Research、Transportation Research Part B、Transportation Science、Transportation Research Part E、IIE Transactions、Production and Operations Management、International Journal of Production Economics、European Journal of Operational Research、Decision Support Systems等。徐博士担任了国际期刊Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing的特刊编辑,同时还是多个国际会议的大会秘书和分会场主席,包括2015 INFORMS Annual Meeting(分会场主席),The 5th Institute of Industrial Systems Engineers Asian Conference(IISEAsia2016,大会秘书),The 5th POMS-HK International Conference (POMS-HK2014,大会秘书)。  




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