东吴威尼斯欢乐娱人城v3676智能供应链管理中心讲座―Su Bin
发布者:系统管理员 发布时间:2015-11-16 浏览次数:26
题目:Structural Decomposition Analysis Applied to Energy and Emission Studies
Dr. Su Bin(苏斌) 是新加坡国立大学能源研究所高级研究员(Senior Fellow),主要研究领域为能源经济与政策、能源与气候变化、能源环境系统建模和分析。现任能源经济与管理领域顶级期刊Energy Economics (SSCI源刊,IF=2.708) 副主编,Reports on Economics and Finance 期刊编委,以及30多个国际期刊审稿人,包括Nature Climate Change, Proceedings of the National
Academy of Science of the United States of America, Energy Economics, Energy Policy, Ecological Economics, Applied Energy,
Economic Systems Research等。在国际期刊Energy Economics, Ecological Economics, Energy Policy, Energy, Applied Energy,
Economic Systems Research等上发表20多篇能源和环境相关的文章。目前在新加坡能源研究所主持和参与多项能源环境相关的国内和国际合作研究项目,项目报告提交至新加坡环境与水资源部、贸易与工业部、外交部、气候变化秘书处、国家研究基金会等多个政府部门。
Decomposition analysis has been widely used to evaluate the driving forces of the historical changes of an aggregate indicator
in economics, energy, environmental and other socio-economic areas. Two popular techniques are index decomposition
analysis (IDA) and structural decomposition analysis (SDA), which have been developed independently and applied extensively
in energy and emissions. This presentation will give an overview of the decomposition analysis, comparison between two popular
decomposition techniques, and latest methodological developments in the SDA applied to energy and emissions.