【论著】科研成果通报:蔡婧璇博士在权威期刊DSS发表研究成果 || Dr. Cai’s Pub. on DSS
发布者:沙晓燕 发布时间:2022-04-10 浏览次数:668
2022年4月,智慧供应链研究中心研究员蔡婧璇博士与武汉大学柯丹教授、吴江教授、以及美国新墨西哥大学罗欣教授合作的研究论文 “Get your report a thumb-up: An empirical investigation on crowd testing” 被Decision Support Systems(DSS)在线发表。DSS是信息系统领域权威期刊,其2020影响因子为5.795,是ABDC列表中的A*期刊和ABS列表的3星期刊。
In April 2022, Dr. Jinxuan Cai's paper, entitled “Get your report a thumb-up: An empirical investigation on crowd testing”, is online published by Decision Support Systems(DSS). This is joint work with Prof. Dan Ke and Prof. Jiang Wu from Wuhan University and Prof. Xin (Robert) Luo from the University of New Mexico. DSS has an impact factor of 5.795 in 2022, listed as an A* journal in ABDC and a 3-star journal in ABS.
This paper aims to investigate the determinants of the usefulness of crowd testing reports.Through Information Adoption Model and Peer Competition, it verifies that the crowd testers' credibility and the testing report's information quality both play significant roles in the usefulness of crowd testing reports. Furthermore, the presence of peer testers' reports on the focal product moderates the effect of information quality on the report's usefulness. The research findings theoretically demonstrate the significance of the crowd testing strategy and provide managerial implications for marketing practitioners to implement the crowd testing strategy effectively and for crowd testers to create useful testing reports.
蔡婧璇博士于武汉大学获得管理学博士学位,她的研究兴趣包括信息系统、电子商务、共享经济。其研究结果发表于《DSS》等国际SSCI权威核心期刊以及International Conference on Information Systems(ICIS)等信息系统顶级国际会议。
Dr. Cai received her Ph.D. from Wuhan University in 2019. Her current research focuses on information systems, e-commerce, and sharing economy. Her work has been published in DSS and International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).